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FÜM- Everything Good Without Anything Bad: No Vapor! No Nicotine! Just Delicious Natural Flavored Air!

FÜM Prominent Flavored Air Device FAQs

What Does Flavored Air Taste Like?

If you’re used to vapor, FÜM may not be as strong as you’d expect at first, but we also won’t give you the negative effects of vaping. FÜM can be compared to a herbal tea if vapor was compared to a sticky soda. Not as sweet, and a lot more natural.

How Does FÜM Work?

Physiology shows stopping a bad habit cold turkey is very hard on your brain. FÜM works by replacing your hand-to-mouth fixation, calming nervous tension through fidgeting, and distracting you from your bad habit with delicious flavor.

How Long Do Cores Last?

A single Core lasts you 2-3 days of repeated use and each Core pack comes with 3 flavored cores.

How Often Can I Use FÜM?

As often as you like. Keep in mind though, if FÜM is negatively affecting you, please stop and contact your physician.

Is FÜM Safe?

Yes, multiple 3rd party toxicology reports & studies have been done on the inhalation and digestion of the plant compounds that they use in their Cores, and they are committed to always be funding more.